
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Rachel Knows... My Well-Being!

This post brought to you by My Well-Being Powered by Humana. All opinions are 100% mine.
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I've talked before about heart attacks and their symptoms in women. My mother wrote a guest post about her experience with her heart attack. The hardest part after a loved one has a heart attack is learning all of the things about their lifestyle that contributed to their heart attack. Knowledge is the greatest tool in everyone's arsenal. One thing I am the most grateful for since my mother's heart attack is the internet. It has given her and me so many avenues to find the best foods for the heart, the best exercises and just all of the best things for a heart healthy lifestyle. There is so much more to a healthy lifestyle than just eating chia seeds and taking a walk for 10 minutes. It is all about your whole body. Your whole well-being. Head to toes. Every aspect of your life needs to be in order. When every part of your health and wellness falls into place you just feel peace. Some people are lucky enough to have all of the answers. I'm someone who needs a little guidance in certain areas. Okay a lot of areas. Ha-ha! I love the internet and websites that help guide me where I need to be. That's where My Well-Being comes to the rescue! It is an awesome site to help you learn about your mental, emotional and physical health, your financial health, the health of your relationships and tips to have fun and stay young. What more could you ask for? You were thinking that the only thing missing to seal the deal of making this the greatest website ever would be a FREE Dummies book? Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle. You're in luck, because when you sign up for free to become a member of My Well-Being you get to choose one of three Dummies books. I know one of the main selling points for me when I sign up for a site is if I get to have the option to not receive any e-mails on a regular basis. That is one of the first options you get is to opt-out of their mailing list. So sign up, take your Well-Being Assessment and get on the road to health and happiness! :-D Here is a very short video to tell you a little bit more about the site:

About MyWell-Being from mywell-being on Vimeo.
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